Tag Archives: corporate headshots

What should a professional headshot cost? (and why are they so expensive?)


Not all professional headshots are created equal. The cost of your headshot depends on key factors & understanding these will help you decide which option is best for you.

Your professional headshot could be a Tax Deduction

corporate headshot female in studio with white brick wall

Your professional headshots and personal branding photography could be a Tax Deduction According to Ryan Miller, CEO of award-winning bookkeeping and accounting firm, Keeping Company, headshots are tax-deductible when considered an advertising expense under the Income Tax Assessment Act 1997, section 8-1. “Headshots are usually used by businesses to raise the profile of employees with…

What are the Best Colours to Wear for a Professional Headshot? The Definitive Guide

Julia Zaetta Starts at 60 - creative colourful headshot

A professional headshot for an individual is the equivalent of a logo for a brand. It helps you get noticed but it may not be what you need.

How to prepare for your Virtual Headshot Session

virtual headshots sydney photographer set-up

Preparing for your virtual headshot session. Following on from our Look Good in Lockdown article, below are some tips to get the most from your virtual headshot session. 1) Clothing You’ll want to work out the most appropriate clothing for your headshot session beforehand. It’s difficult to give completely generic advice through a web page…

How to make a DIY selfie stick (two ways)

A selfie stick is a great aid to taking your own headshot or when having a virtual headshot session. Here’s our how to guide on how to make a selfie stick using things from around the house.

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